Tuesday 9 March 2010

My first Day in Haluoleo University

My First Day in Haluoleo University

I came to Haluoleo University as a student in English department on August 1st 2008. I could pass the entrance exam and included in one of the 84 freshmen. English department is my first choice to prove myself and my parents that I could pass the exam even though it is quite hard to face the exam.

That day really made me nervous of facing the new environment, new friends and even the strange situation. All of the sensation came and left in my mind, the sorrow of leaving my senior high school, my adolescence and my family, the curiosity of new studying condition, and the happiness of being adult. All of them made me try to pay attention to my new world and to try to adapt with everything.

The first thing that I paid attention is the teacher training and education buildings. There were eight big buildings which stand all around the faculty. The condition of some the buildings were good enough, but the others were just the opposite. In other hand, I started to aware that my faculty is the biggest faculty in Haluoleo University. There are many people did many activities there so that it felt noisy and hot. I guess that most of them are students and the rest are lecturers and administration staffs.

As a student in English department, I should come after to the lectures in the C buildings which located in the southeast part of the faculty. It was the new one I thought, in the reasoning that the paint of the building was bright and the wall had only a little bit scribal. There were six classes that were provided for us to use for. I had one favorite class when I observed the building. I like it at the first sight because it had special chairs and it took place in the upstairs.

Besides the C building, there was the other place that we could do for class. They called it English Language Center (ELC), but most of the students called it UPT Bahasa which took place in outside of teacher training and educational faculty. The building has two stories and has air conditioning. In addition, it also has Self Access Center (SAC), a place likes a small library, in the first story. I put it down as the comfortable place to study.

When I came to the campus, I did not have even a friend because I came from Bau-Bau and was the only one from my class in junior high school who followed the entrance test the for the teacher training and educational faculty in Halouleo University. Nevertheless, I started ito have one when I wrote the lectures agenda and got a problem with my pen. She lent me hers without considering whether she knew me or not. She has been my friend since then.

I did not know the name of my lecturers except my advisor and the head of English study program. However, in my mind they should have high intellectual and looked great because I have heard from some students who chat about them said that they graduated from foreign university.

In the list which hung on the wall of head of the English study program I could find that the numbers of lecturers were twenty eight. I tried to consider which one the smart lecturers were, based on their education background. In fact, my guess was not bad enough.

To be a student in English department, I grew the strong will in my soul that I should do my best in this university. I should get the knowledge and the experience as much as possible. English department is one of the prestigious study programs in Haluoleo University, so that I should make myself is reasonable to take the opportunity to grow in this place.

The only thing that disturbed me was orientation program. Based on I had watched in television and heard from my friend in dormitory, the orientation program in this university was very hard. It involved the physical harshness and mentality pressure. However, in my deep heart, I had the strong will that I could pass it anyhow the difficult.

My Father

My Father

My father is the special man for me. He has an ordinary appearance, he is short, he has puce skins, his hair has been grey and his face is very standard, but in his head he keeps the brilliant thought. He is used to think about the risk before making a decision and used to working hard every time. Sometimes we are, especially me, felt disappoint with his decision, however the time has proved that he took a right decision.
He is also a merciful father; he loves all of his family very much. Unluckily, I did not know that he loved me until I moved to Kendari city to continue my study. It happened because he is very difficult to say that he loved me or he was proud to have a clever daughter in front of me or my brothers. He only shows it by proving that he has worked hard and tried to do everything to support out needs. When my mother called me, she told that he is used to say that he proud of me. I do not need to ask him to say it directly to me anymore to prove the truth of her words.
Not only me, my brothers also do not aware of his merciful in the sense that he brought up us very strict. We should working hard and discipline. Every morning, we have to wake up at 4.30, and do the morning activities. In the holidays, we cannot spend our time with our friends; instead we should go to our garden that needs a half hour of walking to make the fence or to clean the plants from the grass. My father said that he hates the lazy children and we can do it if we have reached the success.
His education background only stops in senior high school, but his way of thinking is very brilliant. He asks us to reach the higher education to change his lost chance because of life’s difficulty. He puts his expectation in our shoulders, especially me, with the strong believes that we can realize his expectation. He has taken down the stupid view that school will spend all of his money. One day, he said to me that I could get his legacy if I serious to my education. He has a modern thought; the difficult thing to get in my village.
Slowly but sure, all of his wise words has been proved. I can survive even though I am far away from my parents. My mindset about life has been change; I consider that life’s difficulty is a challenge not a problem. I feel that I am more rational in facing my life. All of this achievement (I call it like that) as the result of his upbringing.
The most impressed moment which made me really felt his love is his response when I lost my money more than a million. My uncles and my aunts have been angry with me because of my careless, so I believe that he would be angrier than them. At the time, I did not know what I should do, I only cried and cried. However, the fact made me surprise, I was not only free from his anger but also I could get the extra money. He only gave me the advice to be careful for everything and forgot the bad moment because he was sure that it happened accidentally. He really trusts me.
The word which he used to say when he call me or I leave my village to go anywhere is be careful. It means everything to me. I consider it as my magic word and to be my reminder when I do mistake. I think that the word is the result of his reflection about life and its difficulties.
I really admire to him because he never impose his desire to our life choice. I am free to determine the school that I want to attend. He promises me to support whatever my choice. The only thing he wants is we are success in the field we are choosing.

About Southeast Sulawesi

Typical Southeast Sulawesi Food

Every region in Indonesia has different traditional food. Each traditional food which is served displays the personality and the culture of the owner. Likewise the other regions, Southeast Sulawesi has its own traditional food.

The types of the staple food in Southeast Sulawesi are divided into three types based on the region in this province. They are Kendari and the range around it, Muna Island and Buton Island, and Wakatobi.

The society in Kendari and the range around it, known as Tolakinese, have the smoothest texture of staple food than the other area in Southeast Sulawesi. Their staple food is made from the essence of the sago palm that is called sinonggi. To make this kind of food is very simple; we just pour the boiled water over the sago essence, while we stir it quickly. The output of this food looks like the white glue.

The staple food of the society in Muna and Buton islands is coarser than Kendari one. The source of their staple food comes from the corn because these two islands are producing corn. In general, they only cook it and then it is ready to consume, but sometimes they create it in some ways to get the delicious taste based on their taste. Some of them cook it by adding a little bit lime to get the peel off, and then they can add some kidney beans, while the other one take the other way to peel of it by adding lime into it that is put in the mortar, then it is pound. To make it tastier, we can also cook it with milk squeezed from coconut.

The more southeast the area, the coarser the staple food is. This proverb is really proved in the southeast Sulawesi. The most southeast region in this province is Wakatobi Islands and absolutely the coarsest staple food takes place here. Their staple food is called kasoami which is made from the dregs of cassava that is steam in the special pan and it is overlaid by plaited of coconut leaves. Its shape looks like the small mountain.

To consume this kind of food, we need more than a glass of water because we should eat it while we drink the water, especially for someone who does not familiar with this unique food. It will be more delicious if it is eaten with the hot scalloping vegetable and seafood in the hot day.

The position of the Southeast Sulawesi which is taken round by the sea, makes the people in this region, especially the people from Wakatobi really like fresh fish, and the other sea animals like squid, octopus, and shellfish. According to the people who leave the area to move to the other province or country which is difficult to find them, the thing that they are really miss is the taste of fresh fish.

The seafood can be cooks in many ways depend of the creation and the taste of the consumer. It can be cooked with scallop or dry, roasted, or fried in the ember of wood. Moreover, for some kinds of fish and shellfish, it can be eaten uncooked; it is known as perangi. This custom is used to do in Buton and Wakatobi Islands, particularly in the fishermen village. To serve it, we only need to clean it and then pour it into the lime essence and salt. It will be better if we eat it with colo-colo, the mixture of tomatoes, chili, onion, lime essence, and salt.

Even though they are creative in cooking the seafood, they are cannot realize it in cooking vegetable; they cook it in the simple way. Generally, it cooked without spicy and oil, or only poured with the milk squeezed. There is a special vegetable that only found in Buton Island. It comes from the young rattan which is cooked with spices and milk squeezed. It is called holombe which has delicious and unique taste.

There are also some kinds of traditional cake such as cucur, baruasa, kalo-kalo, obaku, and bagea. These cakes made from rice flavor, except bagea and obaku that made from sago flavor. In general, the cake’s taste is sweet because there is sugar (palm sugar or sugar cane) in it.

Friday 5 June 2009

I lage BT maw Bk Facebook gak Jade2. Gemana Neh, masak geto aja gaptek. Dah GAk JAman Tauuuuuuuu. LAlu geto. lo musti Blajar n jangan malu buat nanya, cos bertanya adalah sebaGian daRi iman , BerTuul??? Yah uadah deh Ceramahnya, lama-lama kePala Ana jadi Pusings necHHHHS. LaMa gak diIsi kok Yang muncul Cuman Ginian, Bosan Tauuu. Kamu Benar-Banar gak Kreateef, Bkn Muantauah.

apa lage yang yang mampu ditulis ma si gaptek ene?????????????????????????????????????????????. Mau tau, Tunggu setelah yang lewat Berikut Ini. Ini iklan tau apa. ya udah, harus dimengerti, ini Karena Otek Gua udah oVerload, Kebanyak Tugas Geto. Ada tlalu bNyak kata Yng msti Dihapal. Itu baru tGs vocab, yG laeen, tau dah... Wpoi, jangAn curhat, iNi bukan acara di rAdio pas tnGah malam, From Bandung With Love,, ini tempat buang sampah. SaDar gak seeh. Yah ucdah, sMua harus bRakhir, kalau tidak tak lapoRin kamu sm TUKANG GALI KUBUR baRu tahu raSa....


Orang Lage B....T....

Wednesday 27 May 2009

Kepada Ibu tercinta,

Ibu, rinduku padamu sebesar rinduku pada kenikmatan surga yang menurut Al-kitabku begitu indah hingga tak sanggup terbayangkan. Sungai kasihmu yang mengalir dengan penuh cinta kasih membuatku tak tahan terlalu lama berpisah denganmu. Aku tak tahu akan serupa apa hidupku ini jika tak pernah kuteguk sungai kasihmu. Ku yakin kerongkongan jiwaku akan begitu kekeringan hingga wajah pucat dan langkah tak tentu arah menjadi cerminannya.

Ibu, rinduku padamu sebesar rinduku pada sinar mentari yang mencerahkan hari. Apalah jadinya diriku ini jikalau tanpa mentari cintamu. Tahukah dikau wahai Ibu ? tanpa mentari, tamatlah riwayat bumi. Kemurahan hati Ibu laksana kemurahan hati Allah yang membiarkan mentari melepaskan sinarnya hingga bumi tetap hidup.

Ibu, rinduku padamu sebesar kerinduanku bertemu Nabi sulaiman – makhluk paling kaya di bumi. Ku tahu, Ibu bukan kaya harta tetapi kaya hati. Kekayaan yang membuat jiwaku tenang tanpa takut akan bencana kemiskinan jiwa. Juga kekayaan yang membuat aku percaya bahwa aku meraih impian semustahil apapun itu.

Ibu, riduku padamu sebesar kerinduanku bertemu Nabi Ibrahim – makhluk yang rela melepaskan anak yang begitu dicintainya demi kecintaan yang lebih besar kepada Rabb-nya. Kerelaanmu untuk mengorbankan harta benda bahkan nyawamu demi diriku yang begitu kau kasihi membuat aku dapat melihat dunia yang fana ini. Aku tak bisa menemukan lagi kerelaan sebesar sebesar kerelaan dirimu. Hingga tak pernah terbersit keraguan untuk bersandar di bahumu.

Ibu, rinduku padamu sebesar kerinduanku bertemu Nabi Muhammad – makhluk paling sempurna di bumi. Apa yang kau miliki membuatku percaya bahwa pengabdianmu untuk membesarkanku hampir mencapai titik sempurna. Alasan apakah lagi yang membuatku tidak merindukan dirimu, wahai Ibu?

Akhirnya, setelah kuhitung-hitung, rasanya tak mampu diri ini untuk menembus semuanya. Terlalu besar dan terlalu mulia, hingga pantaslah kiranya jikalau surga berada di telapak kakimu. Anakmu yang lemah ini hanya mampu berdoa semoga pengabdianmu dibalas oleh Allah, Zat yang Maha Kaya lagi Maha penyayang.

Satu pintaku Ibunda, wariskanlah juga semua ini padaku hingga saat waktunya tiba, aku bisa menjadi ibu seperti Ibunda.

Salam Sayang,


Saturday 16 May 2009

Successful Things

Successful things, it's the only one I'd like to write to you. You know this is my fault that I couldn't open this blog for several months. Maybe you can laugh at me but I could make sure that I really ignorant with this.I don't have many things to say this evening. Do you know why? because, I really happy. This is very beautiful for me. OK, I guess you will be confuse when you read this. But, of course it's my secret. Only some of my friends know this one. After this time maybe you will get more like I have written for the title of my blog.

I'll be serious now. Talking about successful thing, according to me, it's one thing that we can receive that can make us proud and feel happy. We can get it if we work hard because as Allah has promise to us, that we could get what we have done. Nothing success that someone achieve without working hard. so, when we get it, we should say thanks to our God Allah, that's really love us.

Friday 16 January 2009

Green Environment

Green and Learning Process

To create a happy learning process, we need a good environment. It means that the environment can make the students feel at home and absorb knowledge easily.
Is the colorful environment can influence learning process? Yes, it is. Ardatsham, a psychologist said “Actually, color influence for the human is very big. I have ever done some research that can prove that it influence for our psychic condition, our spirit, and our vitality. We can feel hot, cold, comfort, or happy because of it. Moreover, it can influence our personality how we are up against our difficulties.
Another research also reports the same things. The researchers said that the color that can improve the happiness, gladness, and spirit is green. Yellow can rice the spirit in the central of the nerve and purple can make us feel comfort. So, the students who study in the colorful place can get these benefits. Based on these proves, we can make a conclusion that color important role for learning process. What it is relation with the environment? Of course it can be seen in the green environment. So, let your students to study in there occasionally, and you can get its benefits.